OD Career Acceleration
An Evidence Based Approach to OD Career Development
OD Career Acceleration (ODCA)
An entire universe of Organization Development (OD) careers exists, but not all are created equally. In fact, landing and advancing a meaningful OD career requires a great deal of strategic clarity. Based on continuously updated research on hundreds of real OD job descriptions and consulting websites, the OD Career Acceleration (ODCA) program will help you find your way. Attracting participants from around the world, this program welcomes anyone who seeks to make a positive difference, regardless of their skill-level, education, and experience with OD.
This accelerated learning approach blends online learning modules with four and a half hours of one-on-one coaching (over three sessions) with award winning OD career expert, Dr. William Brendel. Together, you'll create a meaningful, economical, and practical career development plan that draws upon your unique professional narrative, strengths, and interests.
OD is a dynamic field of practice that uses caring and collaborative change frameworks and interventions to generate sustainable improvements to well-being, performance, and prosperity in human systems.
Put your Degree to Work
If you are planning to graduate or have recently graduated with a degree or certificate in OD, this program is just as essential as any course you've taken. Drawing upon an analysis of over 1,000 OD careers, we'll dive into the top skills that are required by professionals who share your preferences. We'll also take a close look at your Competency Report, and triangulate your strengths and interests in key skill areas with actual careers you’re more likely to enjoy.
If you prefer working for an employer, you'll review curated job descriptions and answer key questions about job characteristics that deepen your interests. If you prefer working as an independent consultant, you'll review curated consulting websites that match your preference.
Revitalize your Career
The ODCA program has restored hope for individuals seeking a strong return on investment for the time, energy, and funds they've spent earning their OD degrees and certificates. Dr. Brendel will help you align and connect your unique interests and natural talents with concrete steps for developing the top three skills required by actual jobs that match your career preference.
Unlike educational frameworks, which primarily focus on broad, theoretical knowledge, the ODCA program is meticulously designed to equip you with the specific skills, insights, and strategies required to navigate and excel in the dynamic field of OD, making the journey from education to employment both seamless and impactful.
Get your Future in Order
Craft a compelling career narrative rooted in your core values, purpose, and talents.
Gain deeper self-awareness and understanding of personal career aspirations.
Identify key skills essential for success in your desired career path.
Learn to align your strengths and interests with real-world career opportunities.
Develop a strategic action plan to propel your career advancement.
Cultivate an impactful online "thought leadership" presence.
Expand your professional networks with like-minded individuals worldwide.
Refine resume or consulting framework to effectively showcase expertise.
Enhance your visibility and attract opportunities in a desirable career.
Acquire actionable strategies for achieving career goals and fulfillment.
Differentiate your Brand
The ODCA program enables participants to cohesively align their unique values and interests with practical and realistic career paths. This is made possible through a comprehensive learning framework that differentiates your thought-leadership.
It's about carving out a distinct identity in a saturated market, ensuring that your approach to leading change is not only recognized but also resonates on a personal and profound level. This strategic focus on personal branding is vital because it allows you to articulate and showcase your unique values, perspectives, and methodologies in OD, distinguishing your thought-leadership from the conventional and contrived.
Certify your Strengths
After completing the ODCA program, you will receive a certification that recognizes your successful integration of contemporary OD career competencies into an authentic, desirable, and practical career strategy. ODCA Certification also recognizes individuals for their foundational knowledge in OD career development and advancement and serves as an endorsement of their capability to strategically pursue a meaningful career in the field of OD.
The ODCA certification enhances your professional standing, providing you with a competitive edge in the job market and within your network, demonstrating your commitment to continuous learning, growth, and the highest standards of practice in the field of OD.

Plug In & Stand Out
ODCA is not just about identifying your niche or specialty within the broad spectrum of OD employment. It’s about crafting a consulting proposition that embodies your unique philosophy, methodologies, and the transformative impact you envision for your clients.
If you are interested in working for an employer, we'll imagine what your resume could and should express. If your heart is set on independent consulting, we'll help you draft a unique consulting framework that distinguishes your brand and ensures that you stand out.
Get Hired!
This innovative coaching program has already helped participants land incredible jobs and clients. Just as it's important to have a strategy for finding the right career, it's equally important to make it easy for the right people and opportunities to find you! In the final step of the ODCA program we'll develop your online "thought leadership" presence, and create a unique social media strategy that triggers algorithms to work in your favor. We will also work together to help you develop a professional support system of like-minded and like-hearted individuals from around the world.
Schedule a brief chat with Dr. Brendel to see if this program is right for you. If your university or organization is an OpenSourceOD member, enter their special membership code to receive a 30% discount. If you are a military veteran, you will receive a 30% discount.